Friday, February 15, 2008

Syllabus Part 2

English 396
Section 001
Professor Bikowski
Syllabus Part 2

2/6: Setting

Read out loud: Set Design
Examples of Poetry with Setting
Handout: Poetry Portfolio and memorization (Due 2/28)

Read: Burroway, “Development and Revision,” p 217-230.

Journal: Do the exercise on p 230 (6.17), AND write a page or so discussing your revision of the Observation and the Persona Poem. What did you notice about your own writing? What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses as a writer (in relation to this assignment and in general, from pervious writing experiences)? What changes did you decide to make and why? What changes did you decide NOT to make and why? Be prepared to discuss this next class.

To Turn In: Revised copies of Observation and Persona Poem.

2/8: Revision

Due: Observation Revision and Persona Revision
Reading and Journal discussion
Handout: The Embarrassment Game

Read: Burroway, “Poetry” (307-322); and read the handouts I gave you in class (by the poet Theodore Roethke).

Journal: Exercise 9.7 p323 and The Embarrassment Game

Week 4

2/11: Introduction to Poetry

What is Poetry?
A Certain Lady
Line Breaks
Handout: “Night Highway 99,” Gary Snider; “Airport,” Merwin; “Corsons Inlet,“ Ammons; The Ear Game; Figures of Speech

Read: Poetry Handouts (Read the poems at least two or three times each!);

Journal: The Ear Game

To Turn in: Figures of Speech Handout

DUE NEXT CLASS: Group ONE 23 copies of poem for workshop

2/13: Narrative Poetry

Handout: Narrative poetry; Poetry Terms; “Song,” Kelly; “Out, Out-” Frost

Read: Poems I handed out in class

Journal: Narrative Poetry Handout

Write to hand in: (Typed) 200 words of commentary for group ONE poems. Bring a copy to give to the poet AND a copy to hand in to me.

DUE NEXT CLASS: Group TWO 23 copies of poem for workshop

2/15: No class.

Group one send out poems for workshop through email

Week 5
2/18: Workshop Group One

Handout: Imitation and Parody

DUE TODAY: Group TWO 23 copies

Read: Peer Work Group Two

Journal: Imitation or Parody Poem

Write to hand in: (Typed) 200 words of commentary for group TWO poems. Bring a copy to give to the poet AND a copy to hand in to me.

DUE NEXT CLASS: Group THREE 23 copies of poem for workshop

2/20: CHANGE: no class.

I am in a workshop with a Visiting Writer and they have altered the dates...

2/22: Workshop Group Two

DUE TODAY: Group THREE 23 copies

Read: Peer Work Group Three; Reread "The Ruined World"

Journal: The Collage Game

Write to hand in: (Typed) 200 words of commentary for group three poems. Bring a copy to give to the poet AND a copy to hand in to me.

DUE NEXT CLASS: Group FOUR 23 copies of poem for workshop

Week 6

2/25: Workshop Group Three

DUE TODAY: Group FOUR 23 copies

Read: Peer Work Group Four

Journal: Hand in next class!

Write to hand in: (Typed) 200 words of commentary for group four poems. Bring a copy to give to the poet AND a copy to hand in to me.

DUE NEXT CLASS: Group FIVE 23 copies of poem for workshop; Also, anyone who wants to have the class workshop a revision of a poem that you have already had workshopped, turn in 23 copies by Monday

Week 6

2/27: Workshop Group Four

DUE TODAY: Group FIVE 23 copies and anyone who wants to have the class workshop a revision of a poem.

Read: Peer Work Group Five and revisions

Journal: Hand in today!

Write to hand in: (Typed) 200 words of commentary for group four poems. Bring a copy to give to the poet AND a copy to hand in to me.

2/29: Workshop Group Five

Homework (for Monday):
Read: Burroway, “Story,” p163-172 and “Creative Non-Fiction,” p237-248; Handout

Journal: Write a list of ideas for a creative non-fiction piece. For each idea, come up with a potential title (ex. 7.2 p240); and p 242, ex 7.5.

To hand in: Poetry Portfolio

Week 7

3/3: Due: Poetry Portfolio

Write and Recite your memorized poems for the class!!

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